Saturday, 1 February 2014

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of making my media product I vastly improved using and applying different types of technology such as; digital camera, internet explorer and different software platforms.

Software platforms  
Microsoft Publisher

This software created a platform for me to create all my magazine pages but it was most useful in creating the double page spread as I could see the pages together as they would look in the magazine so it was easier to design. The features such as the cropping device allowed me to crop my photos too fit the page as this would not cause pixilation, the transparent tool allowed me to blend my print screens into the background of my magazine, at first I was quite slow to apply these tools but as time went by it became a second nature to use these tools. The different contrasts tools allowed me to make my images more professional and enhanced.

Another software platform I used was PAINT, due to some of my blogs being done on word documents and my fonts having to be print screened I had to transfer them to paint in order to be able to save them. Paint gave me the tools to crop my images too get rid of the background it was situated on in order to look clean cut for my magazine.

Internet explorer

I used the internet to research music magazines so without the internet I wouldn't of have a proper idea about the conventions or layout of similar magazines. In order to research into my target audience I used the internet as I found out radio stations that play garage music age ranges and typical audience. The internet also allowed me to post my production onto blogger as without blogger there would be no platform for my work.

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